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About Us


South Asia has been defined by historic and inextricable connections between water and development. However, rapid population growth, several transboundary river basins and competing pressures from industrial, agricultural and domestic sectors in all the countries of the region have created a daunting set of challenges related to the sustainability, accessibility, quality and equity in sharing of water resources. As issues related to water -availability, security, quality, conflict and natural disasters - become more pressing, the focus will be on research, training capacity building and knowledge mobilisation. Multi-disciplinary engagement, collaborative training, strong leadership and local capacity building endeavours will be key to shaping new, more effective paradigms and approaches to water management. SaciWATERs, South Asia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies, was formed as a project on the theme "water for food and rural development" after the 2000 World Water Forum at the Hague, was established with the aim of bringing a paradigm perspective. Based in Hyderabad, India, the consortium comprises accomplished scholars and activists from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. SaciWATERs produces new knowledge to address the pressing problems in the water sector in south Asia through education, research and advocacy. It has created a new group of professionals and experts through its Crossing Boundaries Project which aims to contribute to the paradigm shift in water resources management in South Asia by means of various partnership-based programmes for capacity building of water professionals through higher education, innovative and social learning focused research ("research with an impact"), knowledge based development and networking.


“Contributing towards Water-secure and Climate-resilient sustainable ecosystems and communities”

Awards & Recognition

  • International
  • National
  • Affiliated South Asia Network
    The SaciWATERs is one of the affiliated South Asia regional networks of the Cap-Net, a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)´s global network for capacity development in sustainable water management. The network is called SaciWATERs-CapNet Network (SCaN).
  • Global Water Partnership Partnership
    A registered partner of the Global Water Partnership (GWP), a global action network with partners in 179 countries.
  • National Water Mission Empanelment
    Empanelled with the National Water Mission, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Ministry of Jal Shakti as a lead agency in South Zone for undertaking the activities promoting water conservation and water use efficiency.
  • NGO Partnership System
    Registered with NGO Partnership system (NGO-PS, NGO Darpan) developed by Niti Ayog, Government of India.
  • Government of India Recognition
    Registered as an entity by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, for undertaking CSR activities (Registration Number: CSR00003254).
  • Authorization under FCRA
    Registered under FCRA. The FCAR license issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi, is valid till 2028.
  • Registered under section 80G.
    Registered under section 80G.

Annual report